Case Study: Arnbrook Primary

NT Voice & Data Help Arnbrook Primary Update Systems and Reduce Costs

Arnbrook Primary School is located in Arnold, Nottinghamshire, very close to the border with Nottingham City. It is part of The Believe Academy Trust with a pupil roll of 295 children and 30 staff. The school was built in 1970 and had building extensions added in 2006 and 2018. The age of the school means that many of the systems installed are the old ones, sometimes the original ones from the time of building. With the forthcoming switch off of the ISDN lines this seemed like an ideal time to upgrade our phone systems. 

Arnbrook Primary

The Challenge

Arnbrook Primary School were using an on-premise phone system that was lacking features and becoming costly due to increasing maintenance charges and the use of expensive ISDN Lines. 

Communications between both staff and parents for Arnbrook Primary is a fundamental part of the day to day running of the school and It was identified that the system was no longer meeting their needs to provide them with the resiliency and reliability required, however any upgrade had to be considerate of the school budget. 

The Solution

NT Voice & Data spent time to understand the specific requirements for Arnbrook Primary School to ensure that all needs were met and that they were provided with enhanced features that would effectively improve the schools communications.  

To do this NT installed a Wildix Cloud system which provided a smooth transition to a future proof fully Cloud based solution that not only solved the challenges at hand but provided much more.  

Arnbrook Primary Schools Russell Lambert said the Project Management and work carried out by our engineers was

“Exemplary. The preparation meetings were clear, and I felt listened to when talking about the schools' requirements. Installation was carried out exactly as described during the preparation meetings and was done without disruption to the school and on time, with all of the features requested by the school being installed on the day. The engineer was happy to liaise with our IT provider to ensure that the IT infrastructure supported the new phone system. On the whole, I can say nothing but good things about NT Voice and Data and would recommend them to other potential customers without hesitation.”

We were able to work within the schools budgets by supplying all of the new hardware and installation as part of the monthly cost hence no capital expenditure was required.

The Results

Arnbrook now benefit from: 

  • No additional hardware or software maintenance costs 
  • Fully Future proofed in preparation for the ISDN switch off that is due to happen in 2025 
  • Scalable Cloud system that can be easily expanded should other schools in the Trust wish to take advantage of the improved communications the new solution provides 
  • Free Local, national, and UK mobile calls  
  • Access to Mobile phone app with full phone system features for flexible working 
  • Improved business continuity 
  • Ongoing customer care and support from NT 

NT Voice & Data provide the complete communication solution for businesses and organisations across the UK. We can help you to save money and future-proof your communications today. Get in touch with our friendly team of experts on 01623 687750, or email